Heat vs Cold & Keeping it Real

‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Artist Turns Down $8 Million From Stunned Music Execs, Says “Nothing Special About Me”  | ZeroHedge

Meanwhile, the media is awash with climate alarmism stories that almost exclusively focus on warming or heat related events (esp wildfires- tis the season) What they often omit is that cold is much more deadly than heat.

A breakdown of this is provided by Bjorn Lomborg here ⇒ The heresy of heat and cold deaths | Lomborg

Does Canada have Political Prisoners? – CovertAction Magazine

Garbage-eating aquadrones make Canadian debut in Toronto | National Post

Man forced to ditch $115K Ford EV truck during family road trip to Chicago: ‘biggest scam of modern times’

“Divide and Rule”: Italy’s PM Giorgia Meloni Is Biden’s “Political Asset”. U.S. Behind Niger Coup d’Etat. America’s Hegemonic Wars Against Europe and Africa – Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

Pacific War Drums, War on Bees, etc…

Australia Wages War on Bees – Decimating Both Beekeepers and Wild Bees– they are using the poison fipronil, banned in the EU, to try to eradicate varroa mite. As an added bonus they admit they have no idea if it will work! This is happening in the NSW region, infamous for authoritarian and ineffective con.vid rules. So not only is it a war on the people, it’s also a war on nature.

Meanwhile War Drums Keep Beating….

Taiwan Now Has ‘Real Time’ Intelligence Sharing Link With Five Eyes – News From Antiwar.com a catastrophically terrible move…..

Taiwan—A Pawn for U.S. War on China | CovertAction Magazine

Australia Pays Washington Swamp Monsters For War Advice – Caitlin Johnstone

Reminder: The Media Once Bashed Trump For Transgressing The One-China Policy The US Now Spits On – Caitlin Johnstone

Whopping 82% of Berlin’s Voters Refuse to Support Net Zero 2030 as Referendum Fails – The Daily Sceptic

Planet Earth : The Latest Weapon of War by Rosalie Bertell (Book Summary)

This is the Amazon summary ->As weaponry and warfare have become more complex and sophisticated, so the long-term effects have become more deadly. In Planet Earth Rosalie Bertell proposes that the key to understanding the impact of future wars lies in a close analysis of the past. She shows how the quest for military power has destabilized the delicate natural balance of the earth’s ecosystem, causing widespread devastation in environmental, economic and social terms and calls for a new approach to security, which rises above national agendas to seek global solutions to a global problem.>

Rosalie Bertell was a cancer research scientist, Catholic nun and environmental activist that worked to help the victims of Chernobyl and Bhopal. She passed away in 2012.

This 2001 book was clearly written by someone who loved the planet and was doing what she could to highlight the big picture. The way it ends though with advocating for the centralization of power to confront these issues was misguided though. What follows is a summary of some of her points.

  • The military impact on the environment was purposefully omitted from a 1992 UN conference, seemingly under pressure from the US.
  • The civil population always bears the brunt of the consequences of warmaking and the misallocation of resources going into “defense” budgets.
  • A Convention on the Rights of the Child introduced in 1989 and ratified by 191 countries highlighted that a mere $25B a year would be enough to provide for the world’s children.
  • Back around the year 2000 it was estimated that 1/3 of the world’s children lived in poverty. This may have been a mistake by the author as the world’s population of children now as a percentage of population (now from Unicef) is 1/3. This is 2.64B children. 1 billion of these children are said to be “multidimensionally poor” (the pandemic added another 100 million children to this total) and 356 million live in extreme poverty. If 1B children are in poverty this is 12.5% of the world’s population. Whatever stats you use, it’s a ghastly number. The US never signed on to that 1989 convention because the US wanted to be able to execute children for violent crimes.
  • The militaries of the world are not great at creating jobs either. Comparative analyses have found money diverted to construction, health, education, and transport creates more jobs.
  • In 1997, it was estimated that humanity was consuming 33% more resources than the Earth could replace. (there is that number again…) Yet still we use precious land for ionospheric heater arrays and launch precious metals into space for satellites that are irretrievable.
  • We may already be well past the point where the wasteful cycle of planned obsolescence must come to an end.
  • The US still refuses to accept responsibility for covering 10% of Vietnam with 20 million gallons of Agent Orange.
  • Chlorine-based pesticides ultimately originated from the abundance of chlorine gas used as a weapon in WWI. Chlorine now widely used to purify water creates organo-chlorines which are toxic. How about we find a way to purify water that doesn’t create toxic by-products? What a concept!
  • The organo-chlorines are toxic to all species.
  • CFCs also originated from chlorine technology and had disastrous effects on the ozone layer before being banned.
  • propaganda, bribes, and a deceptive use of inadequate diplomacy paved the way for the 1st war against Iraq
  • Iraq became a country of famine and food riots after 40 days of war. Unemployment rose to 70-90%
  • The book also goes deeply into the massive ecological disaster created by the Iraq war, which should never be forgotten. 1200 fires burned up 1.8 million barrels of oil a day creating hellish landscapes and untold pollution. The devastation to wildlife was heartbreaking. Acid rain was forecast 2000km downwind from Kuwait. The black clouds created by all this pollution are believed to have contributed to a horrific typhoon that wiped out 100,000 in Bangladesh
  • UNICEF reported in 1997 that 1.2 million children had died as a result of the sanctions imposed on the country
  • After the Gulf War, UN investigators found apocalyptic conditions- no city, town, or roadside stop for 2000 miles had adequate water, electricity, or gas for transport.
  • the Gulf War was also the 1st large scale use of depleted uranium ammunition
  • The author also highlighted that NATO was one of the greatest obstacles to disarmament in Europe and North America, highly relevant today.
  • militaries regularly ignore international guidelines and operate above all laws
  • this book gets into the history of nuclear testing by the Soviets in the Arctic between 1949-56 and by the US in the Pacific in 1946 and in Nevada in 1951. The UK did 9 blasts off western Australia in Aug/Sep 1958. The Inuit people experienced starvation in the winter of 1957/58 after the caribou failed to migrate, something which had never happened in their 3000 year oral history. The moratorium of late 1958 failed to stop more nuclear testing. The US lifted the ban in 1962 and detonated 3 more devices in the ionosphere. This was Project Starfish. The USSR did similar tests the same year. 10 years later it was estimated that all the detonations between 1945 and 1963 had depleted the ozone layer by ~4%.
  • Later on plutonium powered rockets were sent into space despite the risk of accidents and fallout. 9 nuclear powered rockets have exploded actually- as of 2000- that we know of. In 1986 people became aware of a 2nd ozone hole in the Antarctic
  • after further tests it was safe to say that the ozone layer globally had been depleted by ~10%. Scientists have estimated that a 20% reduction in ozone would initiate food web collapse as plankton died off, but we really don’t know
  • space has been weaponized and multiple governments have engaged in weather engineering, despite a 1976 UN Convention prohibiting it
  • In short, we can see that military spending is the greatest barrier to prosperity for all  and likely the greatest barrier to global health for all species

Humanity Sabotaged- Big Developments

Seymour Hersch- a journalist in his 80s’ who is very well-regarded, recently has highlighted how the US seemingly stabbed it’s ally Germany in the back by sabotaging the Nordstream pipeline with the help of Norway. The implications are staggering. Is this to intentionally accelerate the collapse of the Empire? International energy infrastructure such as this is critical for creating fertilizers via the Haber-Bosch process. Was this to intentionally starve Europeans who are deemed by globalist interests to be be useless eaters or too well off? Many questions remain….

An international environmental catastrophe happened in the US recently. An aiborne toxic mushroom cloud was released over East Palestine, Ohio around Feb 3rd after a train derailment and the decision by the governors of Ohio and Pennsylvania to burn up all the hazardous chemicals onboard. Authorities then attempted to offer no help and ignore the impact for 10+days, which includes dioxins-some of the most toxic known chemicals. They finally decided to send FEMA response teams but this is woefully inadequate. It turns out that the US has 1000 train derailments every year-3 a day. Most of these are very minor it’s important to note. It’s rare that a massive chemical release like this would happen. What it shows is the sad state of infrastructure and safety culture present ; sadly nature pays the heaviest price for the neglect and criminal corporate malfeasance. The strange thing is that the allowable PPM amounts for vinyl chloride were edited to allow more exposure ~a month before this happened. The media remains mostly silent on the dioxin part of the story.

CHERNOBYLsteria:  Ohio Train Derailment Memes (Safe as a C.OVID Va**ine!)

Two More Trains Derail Across US After Ohio Catastrophe | ZeroHedge

The other massive story was the 7.8 earthquake on the border of Northen Syria/ Turkey. Casualties are at almost 41,000 in Turkey and almost 6,000 in Syria. Sadly the US decided to continue sanctions against Syria rather than assisting victims before finally relenting under pressure.

Israel got involved in the destruction as Syria struggled to recover by launching airstrikes on the country.

Saving the Earth by Destroying It- the “Green Agenda”

An astute comment recently surfaced …

Steve Bull says:

“The aspect about non-renewable, renewable energy-harvesting technologies that concerns me and is always denied, ignored, or rationalized away is the dramatic increase in ecological destruction it would entail, especially at the scale required to even do a fraction of what many claim it can do. The huge push some are calling for would not only require massive amounts of fossil fuels but gargantuan mining expansion. Given how overburdened our planetary sinks already are, chasing the ‘renewable’ future seems a sure recipe for an even worse toxic legacy than we already have created.”

also Offshore Wind Farms Are Hurting Whales (and birds) and the massive turbines generally last about 14 years and are largely non-recyclable to supply intermittent unreliable power. Madness! see the breakdown of wind by Alice Friedmann at energyskeptic.com- 2 links are provided here

Offshore wind turbines: Expensive, risky, and last just 15 years

Minerals essential for wind, solar, and high-tech, are anything but clean and green

Then there is the battery issue on a day to day basis and the huge replacement cost.

Wind Turbines Are Burning, Collapsing in Green Energy Setback | ZeroHedge

Then there is the issue of “minerals blindness” as explained by Simon Muchaux. We don’t have enough minerals to electrify the world if we wanted to.

The psyops never end! Hopium is what is being delivered; hopium and false solutions so that the power structure remains in place.

The Billionaires Behind “Electrifying Everything” and “The Gas Bans”. “The Climate Imperative” – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

New Year- Age Old Issues- Military Spending Gone Wild

The world’s problems could largely be solved if we simply disarmed all the militaries via international agreement. It’s not enough to just have nuclear arms treaties. Those who promote war (even for supposedly noble causes) steal from our collective future and entrench inequality. Also the militaries of the world are generally the biggest polluters. They decimate ecosystems and operate with very little restraint or oversight. Experiments are done on the earth itself with little regard for consequences as long as objectives are met. War is at the root of the world’s problems. Consider for example the legacy of depleted uranium in Iraq. How are those reparations going? Oh right they never happened…but Iraq was forced to pay over 52 billion to Kuwait in reparations. The elephant in the room is ignored and the rule of law made a mockery of.  The Empire never paid any reparations to Iraq despite the horrific consequences of those unjust incursions. Those championing the current war may want to review history and ask if DU is being used again (by both sides) with all the billions in arms flowing into Ukraine.

Global Campaign on Military Spending – IPB – International Peace Bureau

ICBUW fears use of DU and devastating environmental destruction in war in Ukraine | ICBUW

The Trillion Dollar Silencer | CovertAction Magazine

The staggering level of corruption & kleptocracy in the world | Peak Everything, Overshoot, & Collapse

Utter stupidity => Bottled Water America Runs On… Bottled Water | ZeroHedge 

Siberia’s Coldest Temperature Since 2002, Host Of Records Felled ACROSS Transcontinental Russia; + X1.9-Flare ‘Jerks’ Earth’s Magnetic Field – Electroverse

Weather Warfare Continues • Zero Geoengineering

Thailand and Indonesia have signed a weather modification deal through 2024 • Zero Geoengineering

Net Zero Will Lead To The End Of Modern Civilisation, Says Top Scientist | ZeroHedge

Switzerland slated to destroy millions of mRNA va**ine doses in 2023, as even the olds have stopped caring, and nobody in the developing world wants the surplus either

We’ve Been Dominated By Narrative Control Since The Dawn Of Civilization – Caitlin Johnstone


Ministries of Truth

Multiple governments around the world are chomping at the bit to deploy mass censorship to control all narratives for the purposes of domination and control. They don’t care about free speech but they’ll surely tell you it’s for your “safety”. The mass censorship is already happening in collusion with large tech companies throttling information and canceling people but governments are seeking to expand and make this totalitarianism more comprehensive. This also dovetails with the push across many countries for digital IDs. All the better to cancel you with…

The People Behind DHS’s Orwellian “Disinformation Governance Board” | ZeroHedge

An Intellectual No-Fly Zone: Online Censorship of Ukraine Dissent Is Becoming the New Norm

Within Days of Macron’s Re-Election France Rolls Out Digital ID

Denmark suspends Covid vaccination campaign – Insider Paper

Poilievre would halt the Bank of Canada’s digital currency, submit central bank to more audits | National Post

Canada’s health care system is crumbling at the worst possible time – The Globe and Mail

TripleInjected Not Doing So Well

I wonder if they accounted for geoengineering in the climate models…….